Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1st Misa de Gallo / Simbang Gabi 2008

December 16, 2008

Woke up 3:45am... thought Misa de Gallo was @ 4am.. started at 4:30am...
Oh well. My first time EVER to attend one. Went with Mama & Papa.

Got back home around 5:40am.

The priest still looks young... I like the older priests who make it more solemn.... oh well.
PS. I ended up attending mass around five times or four times... :)


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Signature Drive Against Winston Lights cigarettes!!!

What?! I went to our village store to buy myself a pack of Winston Lights and in one tabloid, right-splat across the front page it says that there will be a nationwide signature campaign against Winston Lights... the brand I ONLY smoke... huhuhu... gosh this really sucks then!

The cashier guy told me as well that they will be taking off Winston Lights off the market as well!!! OMG! I just about almost fainted there as those words entered my ears!!

Should I stock up now or wait it out??

Some Things Never Change

It's nice to finally write here once again, it's been more than a year since I posted here. Gotta think of what to write or should I do my style again of just letting write down exactly what I am thinking of again? Well, since my studies are now done online, I do sit in front of my laptop for a lot of hours everyday, I'm thinking maybe I need to upgrade my lenses now because things are a little blurry right now on the screen!

I just got off the phone with an old ex of mine from "almost" a decade ago and again, some things never change! He still definitely has a voice I love hearing over the phone and talking to him for almost an hour, we brought up a LOT of good memories from before things turned sour.

I think we lasted for a year before I left him...

Anyway, he is now married with two kids; one 4years old girl and one 8months old baby boy. Cute.

Ok that's it for now. I hope to update this once again hahahah after two years again...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

First post for January??? Dang!!!

Well, well, well... I haven't been in this site for like a helluva long time! :)
Too busy buying stuff... gosh... I know Erick is tired of walking around everyday in malls, shopping centers... what-have-yous.. !!! :)

This past week all I've been doing is shopping and playing billiards with Erick! :) And many visits to Jewel's place, Erick's cousin. :)

Checked out Greenhills.. ate in Tender Bob's. Ate in that Hua L-whatever eat all you can buffet for 199!!! :) I swear my waist line just popped an extra 2 inches!!! Har har har!

Visited Archie at the K9 field..

Still haven't gotten around to renewing my passport.. shit!!! And my parents are coming home already like end of next week I think..

And I start classes this January 17! He he he.. no more time for leisure! :-(

Went to the Games and Gadgets Show @ Megamall.. he he he.. ;-)

Checked out this adult store @ Metrowalk.. ;-)

No more maids in the house.. they all left.. shit..

Ok, it's like 3 am already.. time for some relationship relievers... ha ha ha... ;-)

Oh, and a Happy New Year.. bummer... never got around to stopping smoking yet.. or will I ever??? ;)

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Subic!!! Dec 29-30, 2004

Hey it's 4:59am and I'm getting ready already for the trip to Subic! I'm still in my towels though.. uh oh... Erick's done at the showers!!! Gotta get ready!!!

Please let the dog show later be successful!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Dang! Poor people in all those nine countries!!! With an earthquake magnitude of 8.9 or 9.0!! Phew! God bless the people affected in those countries!

Has anyone watched the movie 10.5? It's about the San Andreas fault line???

Well.. truly a sad case...

Sunday, December 26, 2004

December 25 Xmas Day with my Homie!!!

He he he... Merry Christmas again to all you guys and gals!

December 25 was actually an ok day for me! When I woke up, my devil sister Sarah was already out of the house... Erick wanted me to go with him to this family luncheon.. but that was way uncool so I passed it off... instead... I called my very very close friend here in PI... Stephanie!!!

And just as I wanted, she had no plans too! So, we chilled in Eastwood.... probably walked more than 3,000 steps just going round and round there.. We were supposed to eat at OJs... (I miss their liempo) but it was closed... checked out Cybermall... but the food places there were closed too! So, we had to settle for Tokyo Tokyo (because I was gettind dizzy not having lunch or breakfast yet and smoking too much... I think).. then Stef and I just talked about life... a fave topic (wink wink), and about our classmates back at Thames...

Then, the shopping bug hit us and we checked out the new store at CityMall, Evita Peroni... actually one of the stores I used to buy in back in Saudi Arabia!!!! I miss seeing their stuff... so being in the store made me ecstatic and wow!!! We both bought sunglasses!!! We were such spenders!!! he hehe... but the shades are all worth the price! Stef's shades just truly rock!!!! My shades are so cool too! Whew.. can't wait till later when I use em!

I'll be going with Erick (my bf and boytoy and bestfriend) and his family to San Pablo Laguna for his dad's side family reunion. :-) I've met some of them already.. he he he... we're gonna leave 8am later... darn it's already 4:15am!!! Yikes!!!

And I'm gonna miss Cable Car's eat all you can spaghetti today Sunday!!!! Ack!!!! Sorry Stef!!! We planned on going!!!

Well, I better get some sleep... one more stick of Winston Lights.. *lighting last stick of cigs*

Life is so much better when you have a stoiggy in your hand!!! Har har har..

My gosh..

Warning: The words here are all from my thoughts... just flowing... not in order though I think...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Pictures Oh My!!!

I just noticed the pictures I'm posting here are so huge... shitzz!!! My blog (har har har) looks so shitty!!!

When will I ever get so creative??? Har har har...

And I am staring right now at my LavaLight lamp... getting creative thoughts flowing...

Merry Christmas to myself...

Merry Christmas!
First Christmas I spent by myself... if only I had known earlier that both my sisters would be at their boyfriends' houses, I would have gone with Erick... oh dear!

I really don't feel the spirit of Christmas this year... I have so many things to think and do... it's a wonder I actually have time to do this.. but let me continue...

I finally finished the two woodcraft puzzle that has been stuck inside one of the Eukanuba bins here in my room. I'll leave the last hard one (T-Rex) for Erick to do... har har har...
I never thought they would be so easy to assemble.

Wow I have so many gift certificates I don't know where I should start raking in my presents... people these days don't have time really... these paper certificates are such cheats! But, still... the Body Shop certificate right in front me (a whopping 1,000 GC at that!) looks so enticing! I can't to use it one of these days! Thank you to my first baby nephew Greggy (Iggy) who gave it.

I should get my cellphone back... the LCD is so way fixed already! :-)

Well, Merry Christmas to everyone... I hope next year will be brighter... and a little bit less stressful! :-)

These are the pictures of the woodcraft I did a few minutes ago...